Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sooner than we thought!

It looks like we will be buying this sooner than we thought!
Easton spent his first day today in his underwear and stayed dry! I can't believe it.
He woke up this morning and asked to put on his big boy underwear instead of his pull-up. I was a little nervous because I had to take Maddy to dance in Idaho Falls, but I said o.k. We have spent a lot of time today running to the bathroom, but he stayed dry!
He even went to the bathroom at Boone's office when we went there this evening for an hour or so. He is a POTTY MACHINE! Every time he goes, he reminds me that he gets his big Buzz and Woody toy.


A lot going on this month....

We celebrated Easton's birthday this last week. He is now 3. He is on his way to being potty trained too! We love him and his CHEESY grin!

Blowing out his candles. He asked for a cake with cars on it.

He loved all of his new cars, trucks, and tools.

I managed to snap a photo of the kids before church last Sunday. They are a handful, but we love them!

We also celebrated Madison's 6th birthday this month. It is hard to believe how big she is. We love her to pieces and we are so glad to have her as part of our family!

She was so excited to have her very own princess cake.

Madison FINALLY got a trophy! She had a dance competition this last weekend and her team did really well. On the way home I told her that she should put her trophy on the shelf in her bedroom so her brother and sister didn't break it or ruin it. She thought that was a good idea and after a few minutes of thinking exclaimed, "Mom, I'm going to need a bigger shelf for all the trophies I get!"
I just love her and the funny things that come out of her mouth!

Friday, March 5, 2010

He may or may not be potty trained!

Easton may or may not be on his way to wearing underwear and a Buzz-lightyear toy may or may not be in the near future. I don't want to jinx anything.

This morning I caught the little superhero pushing and straining in the hallway. I said to him, "Hey Buddy, why don't you go in the big boy toilet!" He looked at me with a smile and said, "OK!" That was it! Five minutes later he was flushing the toilet and telling me he was a big boy and he wanted the Buzz-lightyear toy I promised him.

I put him in a pull-up and told him no more baby diapers, and he agreed!

We are keeping our fingers and toes crossed!

Good Tunes