Tuesday, February 3, 2009

LONG vacation!

Can you say Pneumonia? Our little family has been sick since Christmas, just passing the cold/flu back and forth. Well, Kenzie decided to go out with a bang. After two chest ex rays, two shots of Rosefin, and two steroid injections, she was admitted to the hospital. The most alarming part that won her a luxury vacation to the hospital, was her oxygen levels. She was down in the low 80's and even got to the 70's a few times. They like to see you above 95. Usually anything in the 80's is cause for concern. She went in on Tuesday and was released on Friday. They were very LONG, oh wait, I mean luxurious days! They had a little red wagon that we could pull her around in that she loved. I think they had to replace the carpet after the times Grandma Allen stayed with her and spent the whole time pulling her around the hospital. There was a contest between my sisters of who could get credit for all of the many toys that were brought! My sweet niece Daridee even brought her a present. Kenzie was pretty spoiled during her vacation. She had to have a lot of TIME OUTS after we got back home and settled. Anyway, we are happy to be home. It was a LONG vacation!

Kenzie, hanging out in her hospital bed.

My sister Danette, making sure Kenzie knows who brought her a present! (We love you Danette.)

Kenzie wondering what is going to happen next. She kept saying, "No more pokes!"

Good Tunes