Friday, February 12, 2010

Do I get a trophy?

Madison loves to dance. From the moment she stepped foot in the dance studio and saw all of the trophies, she has asked for one. I explained to her that at the end of the year after a lot of hard work she has the chance to get a trophy at any of the dance competitions she attends.

She can't get the trophy out of her mind. Last night she performed at a basketball game half-time. When we pulled up to the school she let out a scream and said, "I am so excited to perform!" "Do I get a trophy when I'm done?" I laughed out loud. She cracks me up these days.
She is not my little baby anymore. She is getting so big. She is a head taller than all her friends. She is such a beautiful little girl and I love her to pieces.

Good Tunes